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A Year After the Strike
Below, find the responses to the poem.

"Thank you for saying what all of us BIPOC want to say. As I read this poem, my heart burned with the same emotion you wrote it with. Words are radical, and I hope that these words spark some action in the white students here @ BMC."

"Thank you so much for speaking about what all BIPOC feel at this school. My anger and frustration feels recognized and shared, I almost wanna cry because I feel UNDERSTOOD. I feel your words and I just wanna say thank you. <3"

"This is an act of radical power. Words are the most powerful and I felt them so strongly in my gut. I too am a BIPOC sophomore only here for 2 months, and I feel this too.

"I'm a first year who didn't experience the strike, but this poem was able to put how I feel into words. Being a POC in a PWI has been hard so far and to whoever wrote this poem THANK YOU SO MUCH!!"

"This was such a beyond amazing poem I can't compose words to explain how much your words resonated in me. Thank you. Just thank you."

"How raw and powerful! Emphasis on 'your sorrow has limits.' It does and I have felt it everyday since I started here in Fall of 2019."

"Thank you for your words + raw emotions — I SO feel this + share your frustration. <3"

"Your poem is so, so incredible! It is so well-spoken/well-written and it really captures a lot of the sentiments I felt during the strike"

"Thank you for speaking with love, with contempt, with hope, with pain, with pride, with awareness <3"

"White students here act conditionally. Conditional sadness. Conditional empathy. Conditional action. And conditional relearning. When the problem IS THEM, they don't want to solve it."

HWC: Historically White College -> Historically Women's College

"I definitely had the same expectations for BMC but I feel like I'm caught in a cycle of white tears and performative activism and sometimes gasligting."
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